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Fountain of Wisdom Ministries: Participating in Gods Purpose for the Nations - THE HEART VERSUS THE HEAD (PART 1)
26th December, 2024. 21:48
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What we all want is more of God in our lives. More of His grace, presence, and strength to flood our beings to such an extent that we become a true reflection of Him as we were designed to be from the beginning. That is what I want, what about you? We want His strength to swallow our weakness and His wisdom to replace our foolishness. Somehow we never seem to have enough of Him in this dimension. Do we leak? Does He come and go away from us? Are we really in touch with Him or we are just imagining that we are? What is really happening? There are as many answers are there are preachers. One definite part of the answer is knowing the difference between our head and heart knowledge of God. Appreciating the role our hearts should play and our heads should play.

Many live out of their heads and end up living without the oil of the Spirit of God. They run dry of His presence. Some try to live out of their hearts and get some results but lack the adequate follow up that their heads should give their lives and they end up confusing themselves and others around them.

We need to understand the dimensions of our created being namely the body the soul and the spirit of man. When we got saved, our spirits got recreated and our soul needs retraining, likewise our bodies also. The control centre of the human body is the mind. The not too clear aspect is the part the bible calls the heart. Sometimes, bible writers refer to some aspects of our soul as the heart and at other times it seems the part referred to is our spirit. Well, I believe the heart is an overlap of the spirit and the soul. The heart representing the core of our being is the faculty that utilizes parts of our soul and spirit to produce decisions, inspire our actions and define our lifestyles. Read these scriptures Proverbs 4:20-23, Matt. 15:18 and Jeremiah 17:9-10.

The place of our deeper thoughts, the inner person, and awareness. That is why we will be judged by our works too not just faith in Christ.

In the things of the world we have educated our minds and we need to educate our minds on the natural physical issues of life. However, when it comes to things of God we should fill our hearts with God’s revealed Word, not just the letter, so that our hearts can and should educate our minds. Many people live out of their heads and wonder why God seems far from them. We believe with our hearts not our heads. We rationalize with our heads and have debates there. Spiritual understanding is in the heart not with the head. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. Head comprehension is very limited in spiritual things. A new foundation needs to be laid for people to start a better comprehension of God. Let's learn to embrace God in our hearts and our spirits. These faculties were designed to handle spiritual things not our heads.

Meditation, Worship and acting on the Word are activities that will build Godly strength into our hearts. We can then begin to live out of our hearts so that we will please God by obeying him in everything we do. Next week we will do an elaborate examination of these things.

God bless you real good.

Rev. Kola Ewuosho

Author Rev. Kola Ewuosho on 29th July, 2008. 03:33
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