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Fountain of Wisdom Ministries: Participating in Gods Purpose for the Nations - UNDERSTANDING THE NEW CREATION
11th March, 2025. 02:05
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To understand the new, we need to appreciate the old and some things that happened in the old. There are two creations and two representatives of Man. Adam and Jesus Christ are heads of the Human race and the two creations. Creation precedes formation. In Genesis 1, God said Let us make man in our image and after our likeness. Creation took place here in the realm of the Spirit. The spirit of man was created a spirit being. The second chapter of Genesis tells of the formation of the human flesh and upon the release of the man's spirit to his body there was formation of the human soul. Formation of the flesh or body involves a process. The body was molded from the earth. When man dies, his body returns to dust where it came from. The fall of man came as a result of eating the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This tree corrupted the nature of man. This is the end of the first creation. The first creation got to the limit of its existence. As long as the nature of man feeds off this tree, the corruption continues.

The head of the new creation is Jesus Christ. His death, burial and resurrection gave birth to the new creation. The creation is in Christ and the formation is also a process.

The born-again man has a new and old nature living in him. He needs to know how to put one to death and let one come alive in him. The cross is the instrument of death for the old nature and faith in Christ is the key to life for the new nature. Christ is to be formed in us through the process of the cross and the application of In-Christ truths in our lives. We must realise the power of the new creation and death that exists in the old creation. Sin has wrecked the old through selfishness and disobedience and righteousness has been wrought through selflessness and obedience of Christ. We must begin to reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive unto God.

As we reckon ourselves dead, the Holy Spirit will make it a reality in our lives. We need to understand the new creation. It is by Faith in Christ and it involves the suffering of the flesh, denying it and subjecting it to the reality of the Word. Whatever the old creation lost the new regained it better than what was lost. See Romans 4-6. Righteousness is more powerful than sin; faith more than fear; love more than hate; etc.

Jesus Christ is the example of the new. He was totally subject to God, lived above sin, above Satan and the world. He is the perfect example of the New Creation. If you are born again He is your pattern to follow.

Rev Kola Ewuosho

Author Rev. Kola Ewuosho on 29th July, 2008. 03:49
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